We offer Adult Fitness Swim class focusing on low impact strength training, fluid motion, and stretching. Using music and rhythm to encourage extension and rotation of joints, as well as making this a fun fitness water activity. This class is perfect for recovery or transitioning to more strenuous activity on land.
Spring Session Dates: March 24- June 6
*No Classes during Spring Break April 14-20
Make Up Week: June 9-14
Pricing: $100
Payments and Registration will go through JackRabbit our online swim software. Thus, when registering please add your credit card information.
All cards will be charged at the beginning of the month before the swim session starts, within the first 6 days from the debit or credit card that will be kept on file with Katie's Kickers. This payment will secure your spot for the session.
For more information on makeup class policy, cancellations and refunds please read the disclaimers in the registration form.