The Levels

swim lessons in norfolk va

Parent & Me

Introduces infants and toddlers to the aquatic

environment. Focuses on exploring body positions, blowing bubbles, fundamental safety

and aquatic skills.

  • 30 minute class 
  • 9-23 months
  • Water Adjustment with Parents
  • Breathing control 
  • Balance
  • Locomotion
  • Songs & Games
  • Semi-Structured Format 

swim lesson levels in norfolk va

Level 1: Seahorse

This class helps children adjust to the water and develop independent movement. It teaches basic front crawl, back crawl and kicking skills, floating and pool safety. Class is intended for children with little to no water experience.

  • 30 minute small group class
  • Ages 2+
  • Beginning swim skills

Your child will learn how to:

  • Float on back for 15 seconds with assistance
  • Glide on front and back for 4 feet
  • Jump into shallow water
  • Submerge mouth, nose and eyes
  • Discuss water safety rules

swimming lessons in norfolk va

Clown Fish

For children who are comfortable in the water and can swim without floatation device in horizontal position but cannot yet swim 5 feet unassisted. Child must be able to put their face in. Children are taught to float, kick, and perform progressive arm movements across the pool.

  • 30 minute small group
  • Ages 3+
  • Intermediate swim skills
  • Endurance level = Low

Your child will learn:

  • Enter and exit the water safely using the pool ladder 
  • Open eyes underwater, pick up a submerged object held at arm's length
  • Show comfort maintaining a front float position while supported
  • Swim on front using any combination of arm and leg actions while supported
  • Introduce elementary backstroke with kicks

swimmers in norfolk va

Rainbow Fish

This is for children who are comfortable with face in water and are able to swim 10 feet without a floatation device. It teaches basic skills including stroke work, gliding, floating & kicking as well as beginner rotary breathing.

  • 30 minutes small group
  • Ages 3+
  • Advanced Swim Skills
  • Endurance Level = LOW

Your child will learn:

  • Backstroke with proper rotation and bilateral movement
  • Freestyle with side breathing and bilateral movement
  • Safely swim freestyle for 25 yards
  • Discuss water safety rules
  • Jumping into the pool independently 

learn to swim in norfolk va

Sea Turtle

This class is for children who are comfortable with face in water and are able to swim 20 feet without a floatation device. It teaches stroke skills on front, back and side as well as rotary breathing and beginner’s breaststroke.

  • 30 minute small group class
  • Ages 4+
  • Intermediate Endurance Level
  • Advanced Swim Skills 

Your child will learn:

  • Using bilateral strengthening endurance and proficiency 
  • Learning breast stroke arms (pizza hands) and legs
  • Demonstrate back stroke for 5 yards
  • Submerge and retrieve objects from chest deep water
  • Introduce treading water for 20 seconds

swimming pools in norfolk va


This is for children able to swim 15 yards on front and back without a floatation device. It teaches stroke skills on front, back and side, and rotary breathing. Children will be introduced to other components of swimming and butterfly kick.

  • 30 minute small group class
  • Ages 5+
  • High Endurance Level
  • Advanced Swim Skills 

Your child will learn:

  • Demonstrate rotary breathing with the front crawl for 25 yards
  • Full stroke and kick collaboration on back
  • Tread water for 1 minute 
  • Introduce Butterfly wiggle kicks
  • Introduce head entry diving
  • Potentially ready for Guppy Prep

swimmers in norfolk va

Guppy Prep Competition

This is for children able to swim 50 yards of freestyle with rotary breathing, backstroke & breaststroke. It refines breaststroke, teaches butterfly, and improves other swim skills.

  • 50 minute small group class
  • Eligible for Swim Team
  • Ages 6+
  • Freestyle, backstroke, and breast stroke for 50 yards
  • Advanced Swim Skills 
  • Correct form of butterfly for 25 yards
  • High Endurance Level
  • Side Stroke for 100 yards
  • Tread water for 3 minutes

learn to swim in norfolk va

Guppy Endurance & Guppy Technique

Swimmers must be able to swim 75 yards freestyle and 50 yards backstroke without stopping. Be able to swim 25 yards breaststroke and 25 yards butterfly continuously. 

These classes improve all strokes and swimming skills as well as builds strength and endurance.

  • 50 minute small group class
  • Correct form of all four strokes for 50-100 yards consistently
  • Proper breathing techniques
  • Advanced Swim Skills 
  • Individual Medley 200 yards
  • High Endurance Level
  • Proper racing starts and turns
  • Swim Team Recommended

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