Swim Team Boot Camp

Swim Team Boot Camp

Let's get ready for Swim Team

Summer Swim Boot Camp

The Swim Team Boot Camp will be in lieu of Guppy Endurance and Guppy Technique for the spring session. It's an 8 week clinic with classes 2x/week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is for swimmers who already swim on summer league teams that are 8+ and the two levels are divided the same as our Endurance and Technique classes.

Session Dates: March 25-May 22

Classes are 2x per week

Registration is now open!

Price: $395

Please note that the coach will be outside of the water throughout the duration of the class.

Swim Clinic
Class Prices and Registration

You may register by week 3 and the fees will be prorated.

Payments and Registration will go through JackRabbit our online swim software. Thus, when registering please add your credit card information. Registration per year is $35 per child or $70 per family. The registration fee is charged when you first enroll in the program and the first participating session of each following calendar year.

Parents will be charged at the beginning of the month before the swim session starts, within the first 6 days from the debit or credit card that will be kept on file with Katie's Kickers. This payment will secure your spot for the session. 

For more information on makeup class policy, cancellations and refunds please read the disclaimers in the registration form.

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