Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We hope you are having a wonderful holiday. We wanted to take a minute to tell you how much we truly appreciate each one of you. Working with your children brings joy to all of our lives. We appreciate your continued support of this business in uncertain times. Thank you so very much!
We wanted to share a few things that have been on our minds lately:
1. COVID-19 cases are increasing worldwide. We continue to ensure we meet the guidelines set by the local government (nothing has changed at this time). We will be reducing the number of lessons available at a time. For our Winter session, we will have no more than 2 instructors in the water at any time. This will reduce the number of people on the pool deck.
2. We heard you! It's cold outside! To make things more comfortable for you and your children, we will be installing heated covered seating and enclosed changing areas with heaters. We will keep you posted on when that will be set up.
3. Holiday Clinic begins on November 29th! We hope to see you there. We are adding another short clinic in January before the winter session begins. More details to come.
4. We are looking to expand our offerings of the pool for homeschool PE needs as well as private parties. If you have a need to use the pool outside of lessons, reach out to us and we would love to make it happen.
GIFT CERTIFICATE SALE!! For the holiday season, we will be offering a promotion on gift certificates. If you buy a gift certificate of $500, we will give you $550. If you buy a certificate for $1000, we will give you $1150. This offer is good until December 24th.